"queixei-me" de um taxista (da rádio taxi) no queixas.
depois de me ter "queixado", por escrito, à própria empresa.
aguardamos ainda (o queixas e a queixosa) pela sua resposta.
5 years ago
diário semi-ilustrado sobre a força significante do que é insignificante e da qualidade extraordinária do que é ordinário na vida da autora, o que é dizer, na teia das múltiplas relações humanas que a constituem como pessoa
If we trust Schopenhauer, it is no mystery at all. Your 40s are the point at which the act of composition - climbing the career ladder, having affairs, believing you are the next Montaigne - is replaced by the art of reflection and perhaps regret. How did I fail to become prime minister? Why did I have those affairs? Where is my oeuvre? At 44, those thoughts - as I painfully recall - are uppermost in your mind, and sometimes you will blame anyone but yourself for your failures. But trust me, you will come through it. I reached 50 last year, and far from being distressed by that supposedly defining moment, I've never felt better. I now accept that I am deep into my commentary period, and am enjoying it hugely.
Stephen Moss no Guardian
PS: obrigada AT por este super textinho (or should I say comentariozinho?) no qual me atrevi a boldar algumas das palavras que mais me disseram.